A Community of
Faith, Knowlege, & Service.
Grades K-8: 8:00AM - 2:25PM
Pre-K - 9:00AM – 1:00PM , 8:00AM - 1:00PM, Full day - 8:00AM - 2:20PM
Nursery - 9:00AM - 12:00PM (Extended Hours 8:00AM - 2:30PM are available for an additional fee.)
Aftercare for Pre-K to Grade 8 is available from 2:40PM - 5:45PM for an addtional fee.)
Preference for admission to Our Lady of Peace School is extended to children whose parents are active members of the parish, who are moving into the parish or have siblings in attendance. Students will be accepted if they reside out of parish providing there are vacancies. Attendance in the Our Lady of Peace Pre-K program does not guarantee admission to our Kindergarten. The child must be re-registered and screened. Acceptance is based upon the criteria stated above.
Non-Catholic students from other Christian Faiths are welcome at Our Lady of Peace School and will be accepted if there are vacancies. Children of other faiths are expected to be present for and participate in religious classes and celebrations since we do not have special supervision during these times.
Nursery: To enter Nursery a child must have reached the age of three on or before December 1st of the year of registration.
Pre-Kindergarten: To enter Pre-Kindergarten a child must have reached the age of four on or before December 1st of the year of registration.
Kindergarten - To enter Kindergarten, a child must have reached the age of five on or before December 1st of the year of registration. Performance on a readiness test must indicate that the child is sufficiently mature for Kindergarten.
Transfer Students Grades 1 to 8: Students are ordinarily not accepted in 8th grade.
A screening test will be administered to all new applicants.
1. Original birth certificate, a baptismal certificate if your child is baptized, and a record of immunizations certificate with dates, must be submitted at the time of registration.
2. A copy of the student's most recent report card, as well as a copy of the scores of the student's latest Standardized tests, must be submitted also at registration when students are transferring into Our Lady of Peace. Acceptance will be based on the student's ability to perform the tasks appropriate to the curriculum
of the particular grade for which the student seeks admission.
Grades K - 4: 11:15AM to 12 Noon
Grades 5-8: 11:45AM to 12:30PM
Students can purchase lunch at school on Monday(Hot Dogs or Bagels) and Friday (Pizza).
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we offer Brown Bag service which is ordered directly online through Brown Bag.
Students lunches are delivered each day to the school prior to their lunch period.
Every day we sell water, ice tea, ice cream and snacks.
EMERGENCY CLOSING will be announced on the following:
You will receive an automated call from School Messinger advising you that school is closed. It is also posted on our school website and NEWS 12 - Cable TV
We ask that you do not call the School or Rectory. Check the website or check News 12 for any announcements. IF LYNBROOK SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER, OUR LADY OF PEACE WILL ALSO BE CLOSED.