A Community of
Faith, Knowlege, & Service.
Virtus Training: “Protecting God's Children"
Mandated for all Adult Parish Volunteers
from ALL Parish Ministries including:
Religious Education, Our Lady of Peace School (including field trip chaperones), Lectors,
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,
Outreach, Baptism Program, RCIA, Pre-Cana,
Youth Ministry, CYO Coaches, Family Mass, etc.
Virtus is an informative awareness program which will help to ensure safe parishes, schools and communities in the years to come. We are living in a time when all people need to be educated about problems, such as the sexual abuse of children.
Click HERE for sessions and locations
Please note: Volunteers need to attend only one Virtus training session, but must be present for the entire session. No one will be admitted after the session has begun, and no children are permitted to be present.
For registration go to: www.virtus.org